Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Story Time

We shouldn't be, yet we are surprised when the things the Lord has a hand in so easily come together.  In Genesis 24, Abraham's servant dots all his I's and crosses all his T's, yet, was in awe when God showed up and everything came together.  I love several facts in this story.

  1. When God shows up, Abraham's servant's first reaction was to worship. It was not out of duty or ritual that he worshiped it was out of shear awe - he knew that he knew he just had witnessed the hand of God move in his life.  A few weeks back I had been wrestling with some life issues.  I admittedly was confused and frustrated. I felt that God was leading me to do something yet was unsure and probably a little scared.  I ask Him to confirm what He was telling me. Well, long story short, as I was golfing with a mentor/person I looked up to, and sharing my heart with him when in our approach to the 4th green God used him to deliver that confirmation.  I want you to know that it wasn't kind of like the confirmation I had asked God for, it was word for word.  I broke down and cried - I had no choice - I was in awe.  I knew that I knew that God had just moved.
  2. When God scripts a story it begs to be retold.  As the events unfolded right in front of his eyes, Abraham's servant had to respond.  I love that when he is talking to Rebekah's family he retells every detail of the story to them.  He could of just simply stated his business and let that be that, but no, when you see God moving like that you can't help it, you want to share every detail. Abraham's servant   gets the privilege, I really believe he counted it as one, to share this story multiple times.
  3. When God shows up He delivers the details.  When you really think about it Abraham's servant does nothing.  The only thing he brings to the story table is obedience; he came, he sought, he found, he delivered.  God filled in all the rest of the details.  Some years back, the family and I went to Coco Beach, FL.  I could not believe that with all the stuff there was to do there the thing the kids enjoyed the most was this little magic shop that we found in an out of the way corner of this community.  Granted it was a neat store.  The owner, who showed us a lot of tricks, was a christian and we had great conversation, but, really a magic store. That's the place the kids wanted to spend two hours?  Anyway, we picked up this neat little coloring book that we can use to tell the gospel story.  when you hold the book in one position all the pages are blank, when you hold it in another it shows outlined images and in its third position all the images are colored in.  As I think of this book, I think about how often in my own life I have tried time and time again to color in my own life pages. To no avail, I might add.  You see God wants to deliver the details in our story.  He doesn't expect us to color in our own pages.  He just wants us to be obedient and leave the rest of the details up to Him.

I see the need in my own life to pay a little closer attention to the story that God is scripting around me. I need to stop trying to color in all my own pages and leave the details to Him.  Maybe you find yourself in the same spot today.  Let's pray together and ask God to help us see a little clearer the story that He is scripting and that He might give us strength to leave the details to Him.

In Christ,
Pastor Mike


  1. Good blog :)
    This is something I struggle with, too. I really want God to just hand me the finished script from now until I die, so I can know exactly what's coming!
